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This was a hell of a climb right out of Woody Gap. Freakin’ cold too with the wind. Had a hurried lunch by a log right near the top of this. Kinda too cold to enjoy with the wind. Most of the time you are walking along and don’t really see the view at all. A nice clear day makes it worthwhile.
Nice pic of the two of you. What has been the most unexpected hardship on on the trip? I would think it would be lack of sleep.
Hey Misti–
I just wanted to drop a line– Im incredibly inspired by your decision to do this- My boyfriend Chris took me out to Shenendoah two years ago and we went for a weekend hike/camp. 5 miles down, 6 back. My family jokes it was the weekend Chris ‘broke’ my knees. I had incredible knee pain the second day due to the first day’s downward hike. He has not taken me camping since. I’m inspired by your story to almost want to go again… 😉
I will wish for clear skiies and melted snow once you hit the Smokies.
Keep on Trekking!
p.s. Dr. Who on BBC America is THE BEST.
Awesome view!!!
(other) Heather
Stephanie H
Beautiful view! Wow! 🙂