Gayle’s Garden
After a year without a garden Chris and I now have two. Kinda. Our parents are kindly letting us help them with their garden, but I think they are rather enjoying the free labor. Ok, I suppose it is our due since we are enjoying room and board at each of their homes, but at least it is a pleasurable form of labor. Of course all of it is just making me wish I had an acre or two to plant a gigantic kitchen garden, build a greenhouse to grow all of the tropicals we used to, and to grow all sorts of interesting natives and bulbs.
Until then we have their yards. Here’s a small tour of Chris’ mom and step-dad’s yard and what’s growing there.
Ornamental cabbage going to flower
Chris’ step-dad is an avid golfer and had a putting green installed in the back yard. Chris was out practicing for a short round of golf they went and played.
Gayle has a lot of roses in her yard and most are putting on buds.
And of course I am a sucker for tomatoes.
I cannot wait to eat from all of the gardens this year!
A zinnia. How do you pronounce this? Chris and I used to say “Z-een-yuh” but it sounds a lot like the coral Xenia that Chris used to grow so now we’ve taken to calling it “Zin-e-uh”. I don’t like it as much.
Of course it wouldn’t be right to not have a few photos of Mitzi. I keep trying to get Guinness but he is never around when I’ve got the camera!