Garden Update | Helping Hands Community Garden
Lots of things going on at our community garden. New beds and need seedlings, plus what has been established over the last few weeks are starting to take off. Love seeing a full garden! The garden is next to a horse arena so on the weekends it isn’t uncommon to have rodeo competitions going on. The pee-wee kids are the cutest! Little tykes my niece’s age and a little older riding their horses around barrels! Super cute! (need a few more !!! ?)
Chris engineered this cucumber tunnel with tomato cages. The cukes are climbing like crazy right now and little fruits are starting to appear.
Not sure on which variety the pumpkin is but I love it!
These are some of the little friends that ended up in my canning jar with a vinegar bath!
We recently planted lettuce, beats, radishes, collards, kale and turnips. I *can’t* wait for harvest!
What a fun post!!! Loved it!