Recently on Sprout Dispatch….
Have you been to Sprout Dispatch lately? If not or if you’ve never heard of it why don’t you hop on over today and take a peek at what Curt, Chel and I have been writing and talking about this summer in regards to our gardens. I think all three of us have had it with summer and are ready for the respite of Fall—you see, we all garden in the south and Chel gardens in the sub-tropics of SW Florida.
We love questions and comments so if you see something that you would like more information about, please ask away!
Here’s a sampling of what has been going on lately (photos taken by each writer):
This week Curt wrote about saving sunflower seeds, further enticing me to grow a whole patch next year! The salt he puts on it has me salivating!
Chel writes from SW Florida where tropical plants flourish, particularly during the wet summer months. She writes that gardening is always a work in progress and from one season to another there is always something to be done!
Continuing in the vein of harvesting, Curt has also been saving seeds and preserving his harvest this summer. He started preserving his harvest several years before Chris and I thought about even doing so and has done quite well for himself!
All of Chel’s posts are always reminding me of the tropicals I grew in Florida, such as her succulents and shrimp plants. There always seems to be a flourish of color in her garden!
As for my garden and yard, Chris and I (ok, Chris…!) planted a water tupelo near our pond earlier in the summer. We’d taken down a plethora of exotic Chinese tallow trees and wanted to replace some of the vegetation with natives.
And since moving into our house at the very end of June I’ve learned what happens when you leave things too long on the vine.
I hope you stop by and say hello! If you love what you see, spread the love with a button. Be sure to subscribe to the blog too! We update three times a week (might be four soon!).
Loooove this post, and I love Sprout, I really do… <3