A Bit of Art Tucked Away
Last week I was attempting to organize our office and started pilfering through my desk. Inside I found all sorts of goodies along with this little pastel. It needs a touch up, signing and spray. I’m not sure why I left it in my desk for 2.5 years instead of packing it, but my guess is that my portfolio was already packed in the POD when I found it in my desk in Florida. So there it stayed.
I guess I will display it in my studio, but I’m contemplating making prints to sell of some of the pieces I’ve done over the years. Just seeing this little piece reminds me that art need not be big—though I have dreams of big pieces—but little works will suit just fine.
It’s beautiful!! When I was starting to think about prints and things for my work, all I could think about was MUSEUM QUALITY, and how art needed to be museum scale. It totally messed me up. It was only recently that I realized that art could be microscopic, it doesn’t matter. Why not embrace the digital age? I mean, I could make a tiny tiny watercolor and scan it and turn it into ten feet tall if I wanted to. It just felt like “cheating” for a LONG time.
That’s very pretty, I think you are good!
It is a beautiful piece. And I am all about the tiny things.