Spring…around the corner??
It sure seems that way with our forecast for the next 10 days being in the 60s and 70s.
Even if spring isn’t around the corner, I think some plants in the yard believe it is. The crocus we planted last year are sprouting and blooming out in the right-of-way.
In the edible garden a lot of our greens are bolting. There’s a plethora of yellow blooms out there, so much so that they are attracting our bees!
One of the side by-products of the first trimester has been an aversion to vegetables. Therefore a lot of our greens have gone uneaten and I feel really guilty about that. I might be coming around a bit, maybe I can trick myself into eating some before I need to pull them and compost them.
I think we’re going to pull the spinach-mustard and plant some potatoes in this space. We’ve had the potatoes for a week now but it hasn’t been warm enough to get out and plant them.
Spring can’t come fast enough.
Hey if you don’t want them cut them for me and freeze them. All you have to do is wash, dry off really good chop them up and put them in Freezer baggies. Then I can add them to smoothies 🙂
Pretty flowers!
Stunning pics! I am SO ready for spring–although my flowers aren’t. I did see a sprout from an iris the other morning and then we got dumped with snow. Grr!