First of November at Kleb Woods | Nature In The City
I’ve written about Kleb Woods twice before but last weekend was the first time Forest had been there. We didn’t have a ton of time to do a longer hike and I wanted to stay relatively near the house so we chose this small park to do a little outside rambling.
This time we explored the north section of the park, taking the stroller and a sleeping Forest along.
I spotted a Passiflora incarnata fairly quickly but found no fruit or flowers.
The downside to this park is that it is overrun with yaupon holly, Ilex vomitoria. Ideally they would burn this park on occassion but I think they come in and do some manual removal of the plants. Yaupons are native but this habitat would definitely be healthier with an burn every so often.
We crossed a dry forested wetland that was invaded by Chinese tallow.
Yaupon berries in time for the holidays.
And we spotted another Amanita muscaria off the trail.
It was a great walk but I wish the park was a bit more diverse in their habitat!