Forest & Me | Two Photos A Year Apart
One thing I have really wanted to do this year but seemed to keep forgetting when the time came was to recreate photos I took last year with my baby belly only this time I’d have Forest out in front. Yesterday I was thinking about a set of photos I took in our bedroom last year about this time and tried to find what day I took them on last year. I ended up being a few days behind so I went upstairs for an impromptu photoshoot with Forest. My battery was low and I was running against the clock with a baby who was not interested in cooperating. Thus, I really only came out with one decent shot and a bunch of blurry or not well posed shots. Oh well.
In more somber news today is a year ago that we said goodbye to Samson and two years ago that my grandmother passed. It’s hard to believe and yet time just keeps flying by.
I’m glad you thought of doing this, I love it!
Time is flying by so fast!