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Justicia spicigera, Mexican honeysuckle
Gladiolus dalenii
A creeping violet thing that we’ve long lost the tag for.
Prunus mexicana, Mexican plum blooms.
Tomatoes in the vegetable garden.
Bolting Chinese cabbage.
Peach blossoms
Sophora tomentosa, necklacepod
The last of the cauliflower
Sugar snap peas
Our strawberries are finally looking like they will do well this year!
‘Bali’ tomato seedlings
Variegated hydrangea
Mexican flame vine
Budding brugmansia
Budding azalea
Crawfish burrow
Bolting mustard greens
Collard greens
Red Russian kale
Bolting cilantro
Nun orchid flower spike
Woodland painted petals flower spike
Scilla sp., Leopard lily spike
One Comment
I thought you’ve been saying how drab and overgrown your garden is looking. Clearly not the case!!! Looking beautiful!