Things I’ve Crocheted Recently
I’ve been doing some crocheting over the last few months as it is my go-to dark season activity. Plus, right now it seems to be the easiest way to express some creativity instead of spending hours over in my studio. I guess I’ll take what I can get!
My most recent completed piece is this wall hanging! It only became a wall hanging in my head about two days ago but before that it was going to be a cowl and then before that, a scarf. I was making it too wide to be a scarf so I switched to a cowl but then thought that I really didn’t need another cowl and remembered I could do some wall hanging like the the weaving hangings I’ve been seeing over the last few years. Sure enough there are some really cool crochet wall hangings and I thought I’d give it a spin. I think I have a new love!
I did make a cowl recently—but it would have looked good as a hanging, too.
And I did make another Movie Night Cocoon Cardi like the one I made last year only this one is for my mom.
Currently I’m working on a Christmas wall hanging (because now I have all sorts of ideas) and a crochet rug for my studio. The rug is kind of on the back burner at the moment.
What are you creating?
Lisa Valinsky
I love your wall hanging! Such a good way to make use of a piece.
I’ve take up some embroidery lately, and have been stitching simple flower patterns to make a little cloth napkin for our kiddo. Over Thanksgiving I’m planning to start some knitting again too, maybe a cowl or a small blanket.
OMG- those wall hangings are GENIUS. Wow! When I saw those, my crochetmind just went crazy with possibilities!
I stopped crocheting about a year and a half ago (I think?) because I ran out of things to make- I really only like to crochet super simple things because I want to keep it a relaxing thing and anything with a pattern made me hate it. But after I made about 100 blankets for our house and everyone in our family and scarves for everyone (scarves- in Florida?!) I ran out of stuff to make. The hangings are GENIUS- they are a simple rectangle, but I can play around with funky yarn and crazy colors and different stitches on the same project and just go crazy with them!
Wow- so cool!
Oh wow, great job! Crocheting is most definitely one of my favorite Winter hobbies curled up infant of our “fake fire” and sipping on some tea. You my dear are totally awesome!!!!!