Zoe & Grayson Tree Updates
Right after we moved into our house we planted trees for our niece and nephew, Zoe & Grayson. I’ve taken photos with them over the years though we hadn’t done one in a while so when everyone was here for Memorial Day weekend I had them go out and take photos. They are growing up so fast—the trees and the kids!
Zoe’s tree, a loblolly pine, planted March 9, 2013. She was 4.5 here!
May 26, 2019 at 10.5! You can also see our new house paint on the back of the man-cave in this photo. I know, I need to update on that soon.
Grayson’s tree is a bur oak. Here he is November 17, 2013 at a little over 2 years old.
Zoe is heading for sixth grade and middle school this coming year and Grayson is going to third grade! Time flies! My own kiddo will be 5 soon and thank goodness he gets one more year before heading to kindergarten.
Oh my goodness! Time really flies too fast!
Planting a tree and taking photos is so much more fun than marks on a door frame. What a creative idea!