Nature in the City | Burroughs Park
Dusting off another one of those draft posts and OMG will you look at this kid??? Almost 3 years old—this hike was done in early August 2017, weeks before Hurricane Harvey. Forest turned three a month later. Those chubby little legs and oversized backpack—*insert crying emoji here*.
Burroughs Park is a Harris county park located just south of Spring Creek, the dividing line for Montgomery and Harris counties. It is a large park with areas for soccer and baseball games, several playgrounds, a dog park, and a large pond with walking paths. In the back portion of the park is an undeveloped tract of land with trails that you can get several miles of hiking in and for that reason I love being able to visit this park and it isn’t terribly far from our house. I’ve written about it several times before but I never managed to share this post. Probably going to chalk that up to Harvey happening and not finding the interest in writing at that point in time.
It looks like the park is still open for hiking and basic walking but all of the accessories like playgrounds, benches, and probably the restrooms are closed. I’m kind of tempted to drive over one day just to see how busy it actually is as it might be worth adding to the local hiking bucket of places to go.
Let’s see what else we found that day besides an adorable toddler?
A white morph of Whitemouth Dayflower, Commelina erecta
An soon to be flowering monarda—not sure which one, probably lemon beebalm.
Butterfly Pea, Centrosema virginianum
Jerusalem Cherry, Solanum pseudocapsicum
Texas Bull Nettle, Cnidoscolus texanus
American Pokeweed, Phytolacca americana
Cherokee Bean, Erythrina herbacea
Yellow Passionflower, Passiflora lutea
There are always little delights of nature everywhere you look, even in places you think might not have them.
I was happily scrolling along, and then I got to the bull nettle and pokeweed and thought, “Wait. What?” Then, I went back and checked the date. Phew! I thought we were really behind the times down here! Love that white dayflower!
Oh my goodness! Look at that little dude! Now he’s running up on 6!!!!!!!