A Flock of Cedar Waxwings
One bright spot this week was seeing all of the little birds floofed up in their winter plumage. Some would pop into our porch to take a break from the wind, giving us a closer look at how fluffy they looked! And being that it was so cold, they weren’t intent on flying away so quickly, which meant even if we encountered them in the yard they hung around a lot longer than they usually would. Many were looking for food and unfortunately couldn’t find a whole lot. Though, the cedar waxwings managed to find our one Carolina cherry laurel that had fruit on it. I noticed the cedar waxwings after I walked out to put something into the recycling bin and saw the flock fluttering among the branches of the tree. I paused and realized they were cedar waxwings, a species I don’t notice in our yard often. They were spooked a bit by me being nearby so they moved behind the tree to a dormant hickory to perch for a few minutes, taking turns moving back and forth between each of the trees. I went back out yesterday to try to find them after Chris mentioned seeing them again but had no luck. I was hoping for better photos. I may try again today since it will warm up to the tropical temperatures of the low 40s at some point and the sun is shining. The 70s are returning next week and with it better be spring.
One Comment
Judy Bass
You did get some good shots. They tend to move around a lot. I had them a couple of months apart and they cleaned out all the red berries. I’m supporting Goldfinches and a hummingbird. The Goldfinches are getting more yellow and are probably going to leave soon.