Question Mark on Chickasaw Plum
Coming out of the stupor of winter has been cathartic. February was a mess but even in February I felt a shift in life. Getting my first vaccine shot amplified that shift but the return to blooming plants and insects flying about has really set in motion this feeling of life switching again. Being able to witness the evolution of spring in the yard has been delightful this year for so many reasons. It is always something I enjoy but I think February just wore me down that everything in nature is a marvel.
I was heading out to the edible garden on a walkabout with Forest last weekend when I noticed a fluttering shadow as I looked down on the driveway, just as we were passing the Chickasaw plum. It was a butterfly, so I looked up trying to find it and expected it to be flying directly overhead. Instead I found it nectaring on the plum alongside various bees and after a couple of photos with my phone ran inside to grab my camera. I don’t often see question marks around our yard so this was a thrill I wanted the good camera to document. And, I actually did run inside. Chris was just coming outside and looked at my oddly as I bolted up the drive way but all I had to do was mutter “butterfly!” and he understood.
The Chickasaw blooms are already starting to fade and I can only hope we finally get a crop of plums this year. But only time will tell on that. And soon other trees will begin blooming and new nectar sources will abound.
One Comment
I’ve not yet seen a single blooming tree, save one redbud (?) that I glimpsed in January, before the freeze. I suspect I need to get out into the country. Around here, the non-native Bradford pear seems to be the landscapers’ tree of choice!