Diana Baby 110 Toy Camera | Fun with Film #1
After Christmas in 2019 I bought some 110 film from Lomography, one of the few places you can buy 110 film these days other than old expired rolls off of Ebay or Etsy, and also a toy camera, the Diana Baby 110. I also had a pink Concord 110 camera from childhood and wanted to take photos with it as well. And so the last 2.5 years I’ve been shooting a photo or two at a time on them.
I’m unsure what exactly happened with this photo, I thought perhaps it was supposed to be a double exposure but it looks like half the film is from one photo and the other half another time. Either way, I kind of like how it turned out.
I haven’t bothered to crop out the excess black yet. The Diana Baby takes square photos. I’ll do the cropping when I decide to print a couple of these. This photo is from Lake Livingston State Park.
One of the aspects I liked about developing the film was the time capsule aspect of it. Forest was 5.5 here and this was right before the shutdowns happened with Covid. A brief piece of time. Forest will be 8 next month!
This one is from Martin Creek Lake State Park and I did a double exposure on this one.
Back to Lake Livingston and our campsite. This was the last campout before things went south in March 2020!
Trout lilies from Tandy Hills in February 2020.
I really love this one because it shows me working on this blanket I was crocheting for Forest in spring of 2020. It also really makes me want to go camping in late winter!
Forest spying down by the lake at Huntsville State Park
Ok, so I think the photos of Forest are definitely my favorite with this camera and I will be utilizing it heavily for photos of him from now on!
I remember intentionally taking photos of him sitting because of the way he was holding his hands.
A pitcher plant blog, I think this is at Watson Preserve but I’m not totally certain.
And finally the pink bananas at our house.
I had two rolls developed from The Darkroom because I wanted my film back. CVS and Walgreens will develop 110 film but only send you back prints and a CD scan, you don’t get the negatives back. And I had read a lot of bad things about their film developing and didn’t want to chance it. The Darkroom was pricier than probably what Walgreens or CVS would do but I’m not able to find an easy price for them anyway at the moment. Obviously film is more expensive than digital prints these days so anywhere you take it would be more than film developing used to be. And it’s why I sat on these two rolls for about two years since they were finished. You can get the film processed and sent back for much cheaper and you do your own scans if you have a negative scanner. There are some $100-$200 negative scanners on Amazon that I may look into later this year as it would probably be more affordable in the long run to use one of those than to have the film scanned elsewhere.
My biggest lesson was learning that this camera is really only good for portraits or distance photos. Some of the closer up photos—and I wasn’t even that close on a few of them—didn’t turn out that great. At least now I know what to expect.
I have the pink Concord camera photos to share too and I’ll get a post up with those soon!

Yeah, Another Blogger
I had a Kodak Instamatic camera years ago. I think it used 110 film, though I’m not at all positive about that. The Instamatic’s film was in a cartridge.