14. I Said Hello To – December Reflections 2022

…Florida again for the first time in a little over 2 years. The last time I had been in the state was January 2020 and that was in central Florida, and the time previous to that was in March 2014 when I was pregnant with Forest and that was to south Florida. I hadn’t been back to the panhandle since we hiked through in February/March 2011 on the Florida Trail.

I had forgotten what a stunning part of the state the Apalachicola area was and it really made me want to move there. A little bit of Florida without the crowds…just perfect! Chris still pretends he’s along the Forgotten Coast because he listens to Oyster Radio as his default now instead of Spotify. This region is one of my favorite regions of the state, probably trailing right behind Big Cypress and Fakahatchee Strand. Maybe some day I will rank the Florida regions for kicks!
I’m hoping to get back to St. George Island in the summer at some point, possibly this coming summer, so Forest can actually play in the water more than we did this year. It was a smidge too cold for him during Spring Break!
Don’t remind me…..I wanna go back
Yeah, Another Blogger
Hello, Misti. This looks like a beautiful part of the state. Have fun when you visit there again.