Eagle Watching

We get bald eagles on our pond every year around this time. In fact, when my parents arrived to visit after Christmas, one had landed at the shoreline behind our house and stunned and thrilled them to see. My dad managed to get an iPhone photo but I missed the chance to get a photo with my camera as it had flown away by the time I went in to get it. The birds have been around here a lot lately and so yesterday morning I spent some time sitting on the dock trying to get some photos. I got some decent photos but nothing to send to a bird magazine—I do only have a 300mm lens, none of the fancy stuff bird photographers have. I tried again in the afternoon and got some more photos. I’m hoping I can get them diving for a fish at some point this week! I briefly thought there might be three birds but once I zoomed in on one of the photos I realized it was a vulture pretending to be an eagle! So, only two out there right now. They are always fun to see when they come through here!
*Click on the photo and it will take you to Flickr where you can see it bigger.*
Wow! That is exciting!
How lucky. I haven’t seen eagles in my neighborhood for quite a while.