The Big Thicket Solo Tract | May 2023
I first heard about the Solo Tract at the Big Thicket from Linda Leinen when she started a blog series called A Year of Going Solo earlier this year. Since seeing her posts, I have dipped into this tract myself twice, the most recent time back in May. It’s very close to the Big Thicket’s Interpretive Center which makes it easy to access if you are short on time but need to get into the Thicket for a few moments. Some highlights from that trip:

Wooly rosemallow, Hibiscus lasiocarpos blooming.
Tall green milkweed, Asclepias hirtella—I was very excited to see this one in bloom!
I love when I come across butterflies, this one a black swallowtail, laying eggs on native host plants. The host plant in question is herbwilliam or mock bishopsweed, Ptilimnium capillaceum, a carrot family relative, of course!
Before we left, I moved a three-toed box turtle, Terrapene carolina ssp. triunguis, off the road.
It was a short trip, really to just show Forest and Chris the tract after we’d stopped in at the Interpretive Center. We’d already hiked earlier that morning at another tract and still had to drive home. I’m hoping in future trips I can get off trail and explore a bit more there!

Great shot of the butterfly assuring its next generation! And that mallow is so lovely!
The turtle looks just like the one that hangs out in my yard.
Yeah, Another Blogger
The box turtle is beautiful. And it contrasts really well with the stone path that it is on.
Stone path—very generous! It’s a “stone path” for cars! LOL But yes, thank you for the comment!
I’ve been watching the radar, and noticed that there’s been quite a bit of rain up around Warren and Kountze. All to the good! I need to get some bits from my time up there posted, too — it’s great that you found that milkweed. I’ve never seen that up there. It’s one of my favorite places in the state, that’s for sure.