
Snow Day









After a week of forecasts for snow, late Monday evening finally arrived and the first inklings of the proposed 2-5″ of snow in our region arrived. The forecast went up and down for days, but mostly stayed in the 2-4″ range for us, though some areas closer to the coast said they would have 6″+. That never really materialized in Texas but it sure did in parts of Louisiana! There were some veritable snow drifts from an internet acquaintance in New Orleans and her kids even managed to have a decent sledding experience on the side of an overpass hill near their house! For us, Forest finally got to use the snow shovel he bought after 2021’s Snowpocalypse. Looking at those photos, I think we had better coverage during that event due to the cold weather beforehand. What was falling late on Monday here wasn’t sticking until early Tuesday morning when temperatures finally dipped below freezing. I mean, it helps when you have temperatures in the high single digits and low teens for days, like 2021. Also, I did appreciate the frozen pond situation in 2021 a more scenic effect. It brought a little something to the meaning of a Snow Day! Of course, thankfully, this time we were not without power for days and it made the entire ordeal much more enjoyable. I really enjoyed seeing photos of the Florida Trail in the panhandle covered in snow! And as you can see on the last photo, this is what our boys thought of the continued cold weather in the house—constant snuggling, so much so that Rusty decided on several occasions to just sit on top of Dusty who was laying in my lap at the time!

Now, I’m ready for 70* days and the first of the spring ephemerals.

One Comment

  • shoreacres

    What neat photos! We sure did get more snow than you: a solid 4″ at my place, and up to 6″ not so far away. It was enough to completely cover the grass, and it was wet enough to cling to the shrubs and such. Today? Hello, Texas weather. It’s 68° and raining right down — there’s even some thunder. If I could find a way to have snow without bitter cold, I’d be happy, but having a nice, well-behaved snow that makes things pretty and then exits stage left is perfect. I’m completely satisfied with ‘winter’ now, and ready for some warmth.

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