The Ditch Iris
As I walked to the corner where I start my runs the other day I was admiring nature as I walked. A ditch is to the right as I pass by, and there wasn’t much blooming. At first I thought the dark color was a browning leaf, stuck on top of other vegetation. Nearly continuing on without stopping I changed my mind and backtracked. Peering into the ditch I saw it was an iris. I waited to go back to get a photo because it was beginning to sprinkle and I didn’t want to get my camera wet. The next day it poured and poured, and that evening the flowers looked worn. However, new buds were getting ready to open and so yesterday I padded out to the ditch in flip-flops, silly because I had to cross a dewberry laced slope first, to wade a bit in the water and get a few photos.
My first thought was that it was a Louisiana Iris and after looking around I think the species is likely Iris fulva. Now, whether it was planted there, naturalized from a nearby garden (bird dropped a seed?) or if it was naturally there, I don’t know.
But it sure is pretty!
How I would love to have some of those!