Hoya multiflora blooms

A couple of months ago I adjusted the lighting on my grow lights in my office at work to be on for 12 hrs instead of 8 hrs. The plants have all responded rather happily and my Hoya multiflora suddenly put on bloom spikes! I bought this plant off Etsy back in the summer and it came with flowers so I wasn’t expecting it to bloom again so soon, but here we are. Because the plants were doing so well, I ordered a second grow light for the other side of the shelf these are on and so I could also adjust one of the lights to filter light down to the Phalaenopsis orchids I have growing in the windowsill. The orchids usually do pretty well with the afternoon window light but those in that particular window (I have three) get a little bit less light in winter due to the angle of the sun and the way the shadows hit there.
I’ve got two more hoya’s on order from the same Etsy shop so I hope I can get those to grow well and bloom, too.

Good job. It is not easy to get houseplants to bloom. Are you ready for the cold that is coming? I will be moving plants into the garage.
What an interesting flower! The unopened buds remind me of the center of an old-fashioned glass juice squeezer: this sort.
Patrice La Vigne
I miss houseplants, not that I have room for all that many! I have 3 windows & have tried to keep 10 different plants alive through the winters over the years without our direct sunlight. Only 2 have done okay (1 is a succulent). I can’t really do grow lights because it’s just too disruptive since our cabin is too small.