
  • Art,  Creative,  Family

    Where the 20 & 30 year olds have as much fun as the 2.5 year old.

    We should’ve used a wax pencil but instead went with tape. Chris did the Z, I did the AT symbol. Mom had the best idea of buying a tablecloth to put down instead of splashing newspapers everywhere. Worked well, too, because I knocked a bowl of coloring over and so did Zoe. Zoe had a ton of fun! Stephanie, her mom and my SIL, said that the adults were having too much fun and it was supposed to be for the kid. I hadn’t done this in, oh, maybe 20 years, maybe less, so it was a blast revisiting a childhood craft. Curt had a lot of fun in between…

  • Art,  Creative,  Thoughts

    Thoughts on Creativity

    This topic has been on my mind a bit lately but it was a post by a friend (that I’ve never met but know through my friends Marc & Eliana), Chel, yesterday that really got me going even more on it. Hiking on the Appalachian Trail for five months will really set your priorities straight. There is tons of time to think and well, when your Google Reader backs up and you cannot possibly keep up, hitting “Mark All Read” is the thing to do. And it didn’t hurt. It actually let me realize that many of the blogs I were reading had slowly gotten off track from either their…