
Until I get it fixed, here’s a quick post.

I have my brother on WordPress Duty, except he just got called to head to evening church so for now, the blog is lookin’ a bit funky. I updated my feed to the new feed and it switched over super quick, which means that I should stop having so many problems with feeds updating. AND that means you can do email subscriptions now. Phew!! I know a lot of people wanted that awhile back and it stopped working and I couldn’t figure out Feedburner to get it fixed.

My dad is heading back home tonight; now I’m not looking forward to a work week. Blech.

I found out today that one of my best friend’s dad passed away suddenly yesterday morning. My personal phone has been dead for the past few weeks when some water and humidity got into it so I have just been checking messages every so often. I missed two of her calls and had to find out when my mom called to tell my dad today. And then seeing the Brittany Murphy death on the news, well, it has made for a depressing day.

Well, when I get everything up and running again I’ll let you  know so you can come check the digs out. It should look very much the same, but with an easier blogging platform! WOO! I’m keeping all of my other pages so that will be easy to change, but no more writing in Notepad and uploading for my blog!

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