
2010 One-Little-Word and Intentions

For the past two years I’ve participated in Ali Edwards’ One Little Word theme at the beginning of each year. My first word was in 2008 and was explore which I did by going to Bolivia and doing some creative explorations. My word last year was calm, which I’m not sure I really kept to or not. Frankly, I forgot what the word was until I just looked it up in my archives. I think I’ve learned to be a bit more calm in the last half of the year, not flying off the handle as much. Chris could tell you yay or nay to that one.

I was debating whether to do a word for 2010 or not, but I think I shall. It will be adventure.

Because, my friends, I have a lot of adventures planned for this year; and you will just have to wait and read here throughout the year to find out more!

As for resolutions, I’m not great at them. I had a lot more success doing my 28 at 28 list and managed to knock off most of them. I think the biggest part of a resolution is actually intending to do it, to not be wistful and dreamy about it. It also helps to either be capable of doing them or have the means to do it.

2010 Intentions

  • I will run again. And more frequently. I have been thinking about it more lately, how I enjoyed running several years ago. I developed a mental block around it and well, my body feels and shows it. Right now I’ll start with the running and work my way up to actual events.
  • I will be more open to branching out and seeing things instead of hibernating indoors on the weekend.
  • I will do what makes me happy.
  • I will be more focused on my art work. Talking about it gets nowhere, doing it does.
  • I will take eating as a vegetarian more seriously and try it for longer periods of time.
  • I will be more conscious of my attitude and try not to let it bring me down or those around me.
  • I will talk to my friends more. I am a pathetic friend; I don’t call. I don’t write. I’m not on Facebook so that doesn’t help. Sorry, still not going back to F’book.
  • I will magically pull more patience from the air. And time. 😉

So, in 2011, we’ll see where my intentions and adventure take me.


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