Nature in the City

Nature in the City | Cross Timbers Park

I wanted to get out for a walk a few weekends ago and the closest natural area that I knew of was Cross Timbers Park in the same park as Adventure World. For those in the North Richland Hills/Northeast Tarrant County this area you might be familiar to you. I’ve been to a few times in the past while geocaching and I think my brother might have done/helped an Eagle Scout project there. If you need a nature fix, this is a great place with some trails that let you experience it.

It was much too hot for wildlife, so we didn’t see anything, not even a snake! And the avoid venturing into thickets part…isn’t that the best part of exploring?



The beautyberries have about had it with the lack of water; they are shriveling up and getting crispy!




I found a little bug on the prickly pear…

I was thinking it might be an assassin bug of some sort but I’m not sure. I’m not very good with bugs!


I love seed heads, and the yellow fruits are Solanum elaegnifolium I believe.

Rabbit tobacco, Pseudognaphalium, and some pretty red berries of an unknown plant.

I think this is a Bradford pear after some internet looking and a guess from Chris. Which is disappointing because I actually hate these trees; I’m just not used to seeing them with fruit. They are one of the most over used landscape plants in north Texas, about as used as crotons in Florida. *blech*

Wild, suburban north Texas?


The light in this photo, a blackjack oak, reminds me of Fall a bit. I’ve noticed the light is starting to slowly change. I can’t wait for late September!

Eastern red cedar, Juniperus virginiana berries.

Pokeweed berries, Phytolacca americana, adding some color to the desolate brown.

Chasmanthium latifolium

The rainbow tree! Or what I’m calling the Paintball Tree!

Monarda and sunflowers round out the blooms seen there and the monarda looks a little sketchy to begin with.

Finally the mesquite beans…

another tiny smidge of color.

If you live in this area, it’s a great place to take a walk and get away for a bit without going further outside the city to hike.


  • Steve Schwartzman

    Looks like you’re about as parched up there as we are in Austin. In spite of the drought, I’ve been surprised at being able to find native plants worth photographing. By coincidence, just yesterday I was in a shaded area where a creek sometimes runs and photographed inland sea oats seed heads. Like you, I find the yellow fruit of the silverleaf nightshade appealing. And also like you, I often see bugs on the prickly pears here; the most recent was yesterday, and one pair was mating. I think the most common are a type of leaffooted bug.

    I’m glad to see someone else featuring our native plants.

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