How to Pollinate a Passiflora Vine
I’m taking this week to move into a new house so new writing is scarce. I thought I would find some long-lost posts from before I moved my blog to its current format. Enjoy!
The vine grew along our fence in Florida and we loved having a couple of varieties of passiflora. As you can see in the last photo we harvested quite a bit, too! I’m hoping I will be able to grow some at our new place along with the other edibles we hope to keep! Have you grown passionvine?
That grew AT YOUR HOUSE?! That looks like some crazy exotic flower. I must have one. I’m off to find some seeds.
Joan (Hemlock)
Found in these once out in the wild, but how wonderful that you have them in your yard! Great photos!
This post is so detailed and the photos are gorgeous! I’ve never had to hand pollinate my passion fruit, but I always get questions on how to do that. Now I know I can direct people here! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!