
Winter Solstice

Yesterday while it wasn’t raining and the air was a perfect 75* and balmy, I took a series of short videos around the garden. I was searching for the beauty that is hiding somewhere amongst the dead and brown in the garden. It’s there, you just have to look a bit harder. Today we’re expecting rains for the solstice and a continuation of some warmth with maybe a dip down into the 50s and 60s, but nothing like it was two weeks ago. This is my kind of winter. We’re going to spend solstice doing some final Christmas shopping, and I’m going to do a little housework and then some writing and playing in my studio. If it stays dreary most of the day there may be more coffee involved as well,

It took me awhile to find music to go with the video as I searched Free Music Archive. I guess I was under the impression initially that you could download music and use it in a video with no problem. I had music ready to go in the video until I went back to artist’s page and saw the Creative Commons license on the side of the page that stated ‘No Derivatives’ as part of their license. So I schooled myself in what exactly no derivatives entailed and that did include use in a video even if it was non-commercial. Well, darn, because they were two great songs that were naturey, too.

I’m getting better at the video thing so I may go back and work on a video I wanted to make two years ago when we went camping at Pedernales State Park. I had a horrible time putting it together and abandoned the project.

Happy Solstice!


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