• Gardening

    Thanksgiving Cactus | Schlumbergera truncata

    As the basket of cactus hung from our guest bathroom shower curtain rod, it started blooming. This started late last week, and I made the note that this so-called Christmas cactus was more like a Thanksgiving cactus. I was being smart, joking about it. Little did I know there actually is a Thanksgiving cactus, a separate species from the typically known Christmas cactus….and this is it. I went out to check the tag that is still hanging on the pot and it indeed gives it as Schlumbergera truncata, though they have the common name as Christmas cactus. But my research shows that there is a difference, and they bloom off…

  • Outdoors

    (More) Canoe Explorations

    We took the canoe out for another spin over the weekend. It was actually my first time on the pond. Yes, after living here for a year and a half, I still had not been on the pond. Of course now I think a spin in the pond needs to be a weekly ‘thing’. I think the only thing that ruins it for me is just how much Chinese tallow is on the pond and the little islands along the creek, upstream. It is really depressing and downright ugly. ” The stream narrows up the way and while Chris was able to get further upstream a few weekends ago, the…

  • Thoughts

    ‘Diagon Radish’ + Loving Lately

    +I pulled out the first daikon radish yesterday. When we planted the seeds Chris kept calling them Diagon radishes, a nod to Harry Potter. And thus, forevermore they will be Diagon radishes whenever we plant them. It was milder than a typical radish, we’ll have to cook it up in a stir-fry this week. Bookmarked lately… +What Makes a Champion Tree +Eternal Flame Falls +100 Years Since the Extinction of the Passenger Pigeon +Cauliflower Mac and Cheese…looks yummy! +AT: Bulls Bridge to 10 Mile Hill +Foothills Trail: Around Whitewater Falls +Life In the Slow Lane: Profile of a Gopher Tortoise +Pumpkin Spice Chai Tea Concentrate +Invasive vs. Aggressive: They are…