Friday Five | 5

- Downton Abbey!!! The series finale was almost everything one could want after several ‘blah’ seasons. You know, one character I never thought I would come to like was Thomas. Frankly, I think he and Edith might have become the better characters by the end of the show. And Bates? His character just went from loveable to creepy.
- 7 Lessons Bindweed is Teaching Me
- Super Tuesday and Primary voting: I know this is not the week that happened, but I did vote in my first ever primary and Super Tuesday. Florida has closed primaries, and as I was a registered Green party member in that state, I did not ever get a chance to vote in a primary when I lived there. Texas has open primaries so it was really fun to go and vote this time around. It was rather awkward being handed some Tea Party literature from some rather friendly fellows as I approached my polling place. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I was not their demographic!
- A couple of random ‘days off’ this week due to bad storms that caused some flooding around here. We worked from home the first day, but on the second day there wasn’t much for us to do so we spent a lot of the day doing chores around the house and yard, taking walks, I went for a run…it was nice to have a little time off in the middle of the week.
- Bald eagles have been active on the pond lately and it seems the swallow-tailed kites are back! Super excited for this!
- Here’s a bonus #6: Indian paintbrush are blooming in the roadway medians! We have a few bluebonnets blooming on our right-of-way, which means—soon it’ll be a bonanza of wildflowers around the state!
What’s your Friday Five??
One Comment
My mother-in-law loves DA and she’s been away, but I am sure we’ll hear all about it as soon as she can get back to watch it.
Glad the storms turned into some unexpected time for you!! Like a snow day anywhere else in the country!!