Smuggler’s Cove | Skagway, AK
After we left Yakutania Point we continued on our way down the trail northward, not quite sure where exactly it would take us. If all else failed we could turn around and follow our steps back the way we came.
Parmelia sp. lichens—these were really cool!
The walk down these trails continued to be just as enticing as the walk to Yakutania Point, with spongy ground to walk on and moss, ferns, and lichens covering all manner of things in the forest.
Licorice Fern, Polypodium glycyrrhiza
The rock slabs here were a welcome diversion along the trail.
And I would have loved to have gone off trail exploring in these areas, too.
And then we found the little nook called Smuggler’s Cove.
Pondering…me, too, kid, me too.
I have to say after being cooped up the last few weeks all these photos make me want to do is spend a month outdoors. It’s really too bad that we’re losing the end of our good season and the only good place to be shortly here in Texas is somewhere near a body of water.
I really thought these were wild strawberry plants and was excited to see them out there on the beach. But turns out, I was wrong. It’s Scots Lovage, Ligusticum scoticum, which is scattered world-wide at that latitude.
Eventually we had to meander our way back towards town so we followed a road bed to the rest of the trail system, which of course leads to the community pet cemetery.
And then we said goodbye to Yakutania Point and this wonderful surprise adventure we had in Skagway. If you find yourself in Skagway I definitely recommend checking out this trail system and spending some time on it!
One Comment
Looks nice and peaceful!