Life Lately | February 2023
A few life updates can go here I presume….
So I finally had my hip MRI a few weeks ago, really probably a month ago by now, and no surgery needed. I do have an impingement but not to the extent he originally thought I might. But as I was talking to him he started thinking more on it and had me get an x-ray of my lower back. There was some narrowing between L1 and L2 and he thought my nerves are being affected which would be causing some of that pain, so I’m now starting physical therapy. I had my intake appointment this week with the PT and my glute strength is crap and apparently my lower back is doing all of the work for my hips when I walk, and my upper back isn’t helping because it is too tight. So, lots of things to work on! I have a nerve glide I am doing with my leg and one or two exercises but I’ve been planning some glute strengthening workouts in my head so I’ll be focusing on that the next few months.
Other random things:
I’ve been reading a lot about tropical milkweed and monarchs and delving into some more of that science, mostly through a couple of groups online. We had already started weeding out tropical milkweed from our garden due to its higher OE load but after hearing more and more about how tropical milkweed had been affecting the migratory process of many monarchs in the south and in Florida, I knew it was time to eliminate it completely. It’s a fairly controversial topic and I may write about it more soon, but I do recommend the work of Dr. Andy Davis and his Monarch Science website if you want to read more!
Forest is rapidly becoming a tween. That probably deserves its own post, too, but wow! I happened to stumble across a video of him from four years ago and it is amazing that little baby voice is gone!
TBH, I think about plants most of the time.
The garden is really just going gangbusters right now..
All the green treefrog friends are back out!
The amnsonia is about to bloom! I’m probably going to miss it since we’ll be on Spring Break.
Penstemon laxiflorus is about to bloom but they should bloom long enough I’ll see them when I return.
Somehow I managed to grow an amazing patch of calendula this year and I’m so thrilled!
Parsley hawthorns are popping off right now and are just so stunning!
I have got to figure out some plants to fill in this area. This side garden used to be my favorite but a lot of different changes in the last few years have really altered how this area looks.
This month I read 8 books! Four were audiobooks, one of those was really a book I started last summer and finally finished after borrowing a couple of times, and three were Kindle books, and one was a paper book. I don’t know why I feel the need to differentiate how I read books but apparently I do! I just love audio so much because I can listen while I do chores or work out and get little bits of a story in when otherwise I might not have the chance to sit down and read. I need to do a book update but I may end up merging February and March together.
I started catching up on my nature journal earlier this week but I’m still behind and won’t be catching up for a couple of weeks. I’m still in a limbo with making things at the moment.
Watching & Listening:
I’m still on my no streaming kick! Grey’s Anatomy is back so I could catch up on that and I may at some point soon, but I just don’t have the time at the moment to sit and watch tv. I’m also trying to get Forest out of the habit of so much tv so I feel like it is generally a good trend. Call the Midwife comes back on soon and I will watch it because it is such a good show.
Listening wise—audiobooks, a few podcasts. I’ve been trying to listen to a few whole albums on Spotify recently. I don’t know if I have ever listened to R.E.M.’s Automatic for the People as one whole album because it wasn’t one I had as a teen in my small cd collection, but wow what a stellar album that holds up 30 years later. I had/have New Adventures in Hi-Fi and also re-listened to it and remembered how good it was.
Podcasts I’ve been enjoying:
+The Huberman Lab with Dr. Sara Gottfried – about menopause primarily but female hormones in general. It’s long, all of this podcasts are long, but worth the listen.
+The Florida Madcaps – Some hiking friends of mine have started a podcast about general Florida outdoors topics and I have really enjoyed all of their episodes so far!
Podcasts have been sporadic lately, really, the last several years. I recently perused some that I used to listen to almost a decade ago and felt like maybe I should dive through the archives once again. I used to listen to so many food, homesteading, “crunchy” shows and many of those fell by the wayside or went far right-wing in the last few years (look up the crunchy to alt-right pipeline!) so I stopped listening to so many of those. But looking at the archives brought back some good memories from before we had Forest and were doing a lot of our gardening at the community garden.
Looking Forward:
Spring Break—heading out to the Davis Mountains!

I also noticed my plants have been shooting up. I am relieved after almost all froze to the ground. Have a good spring break.
Amsonia’s one of my favorites. I’ll have to look around for it. As for your vertebrae, I was nearly crippled years ago by pain, and an inability to walk more than a block or so without stopping and bending over. I went to an ortho, who said it was a stress fracture around the L4 and L5. He worked quite a bit with Houston sports teams, and he sent me off to a sports therapist. I learned some exercises, and after a few weeks, I was pain free. I’ve never had another real problem. If I get a twinge, I reinstitute the exercises for a time, and it goes away. Interestingly, he thought it might well have been genetically based: always there, but brought on by repetitive motion in my work.
Patrice La Vigne
Here’s hoping physical therapy helps! It is amazing how our bodies change as we age. And not really in a good way …