Narrowleaf Goldshower, Galphimia angustifolia | Wildflower Wednesday

Let’s rewind to July 2021 and a hike at Pedernales Falls State Park for today’s Wildflower Wednesday. We were there to celebrate my birthday weekend and if I recall the hike was rather cloudy, which was probably good considering the heat. When I found this flower back along the Wheatley Trail near the property fenceline, I thought it looked very similar to a tropical gardening plant I knew in Florida, thryallis. Which makes sense because they are both in the genus Galphimia! There’s not a lot of information online about the species but you can find it throughout the Texas Hill Country from Austin to San Antonio and scattered west of there to Del Rio. And then a big jump and populations disjunct in Baja California Sur!
A pretty little specimen that certainly should be in cultivation in for central Texas gardens!