
Life Lately | Late February 2020

Black-billed magpie, Pica hudsonia
+About getting back into processing Alaska photos…
+Super Tuesday–Go EW!
+Trying to decide how panicky we should really be about Covid-19. I can’t help it, I keep wanting to call it Corvid-19. See corvid above. Really sounds like a Michael Crichton thriller.
+Where did February go? If January was 10 months long, February was a week long.
+I barely got anything done in February I wanted to do get done and I’m just now working on the major project I wanted go work on which was go through the pile of papers we had “to file” and figure out what really needed to be shredded and what needs to be filed. And then go through the filing cabinet and shred what is ancient and get re-organized. AND THEN—move everything out of our closets and get a steam cleaner to clean the carpets. We only have carpet in our closets and then in my studio and all of them need to be steam cleaned—something we should have done when we moved in but just didn’t. Oh, we moved in 8 years ago this coming June. Very past due for this to happen.

+I moved more mulch earlier in the month but Chris needs to weed his bed and we can mulch that. We need to clean up the beds around his man-cave building and mulch those and figure out what we wanted to plant there as everything we planted there 7-8 years ago never thrived.
+I’m ready for this mild to warm then swinging to chilly weather to stop so I can just plant my tomatoes and get that going. I’m putting the tomatoes in the ground this weekend whether the weather agrees or not. I’m done waiting.

Celebrating my friend Stephanie’s 40th birthday!

Getting a hike in with my dad over the weekend.

A couple of years ago my dad left one of his hats at our house for Forest to have. Forest refused to wear it for a long time because it made him sad that Pawpaw wasn’t there. Well, I asked if he wanted to wear it the other day and now he’s very into it!

+I’ve read 18 books so far this year. Yes, that’s right. Most of those are thanks to audiobooks! The secret is to listen to 4-7 hour length books at 1.5 to 1.75 speed—especially the books where people are t-a-l-k-i-n-g s-l-o-w-l-y. Speed those suckers up! Your brain takes a few sentences to catch up and then Bam! you’ve got the flow and can focus. Plus, I’ve been listening at the gym while I work out and that has helped a lot. Naturally since I’ve read so much I’m hitting a wall this week and my desire to read or listen has gone drastically down.
+Favorites so far include: The Last Butterflies by Nick Haddad, The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher, The First Emma by Camille Di Maio (based loosely on true events surrounding the Pearl Brewery in San Antonio), Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston, and Cat Tale by Craig Pittman.

+I’ve still been making my monotype prints in the studio but I’m also working on a painting and drawing, albeit slowly. I need to work on cleaning the studio up because Forest made it an epic disaster earlier this month but I haven’t had the energy to deal with it.
+Still working on Forest’s blanket and am super ready for that to be done.
+I made lemon curd with the rest of our lemons!

Oh, here are some of the prints:



Watching & Listening:
+Wayyyyy too much. Everything started back up again at the end of January or early February so there is a lot on right now. I finished The Man in the High Castle on Amazon and I do recommend it. But now we’re back to This is Us, Homeland (final season!), Good Girls, Better Call Saul, and Outlander. Oh, and PBS had an adaptation of Jane Austen’s unfinished book Sanditon that I have been enjoying. Considering she barely wrote a quarter or a third of the book, most of the series has been made up by the writers. I’ve enjoyed it for what it was!
+Listening wise, mostly those audiobooks but I have been keeping up with two political podcasts for updates on the primary season, Pod Save America and Pantsuit Politics.

Looking Forward:
+A couple of camping trips in the next month.
+Maybe getting Forest into swimming lessons or gymnastics soon.
+A possible get together with some friends later in the month.

What’s up with you???


  • shoreacres

    I’ve spent more time than I ever imagined would be necessary, cleaning out computer files for the upgrade from Win7 to Win10. It’s been accomplished, and I got the computer back today. I’ve been messing with the settings and etc. all night, and I’m about ready to call it. But I’m surprised by how much faster my system is. Everything is present and accounted for, and I even managed to find the keys for programs that needed to be reinstalled. I don’t know what I’m going to be doing this weekend, but I can guarantee you it won’t involve sitting at a computer. There’s good weather coming!

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