A Few more of the Zoester
It’s funny, only a few weeks later and she’s already changing. Mom and I were remarking her face is changing again and her attitude is different. She’s also happier to go to her little girl potty for a tinkle than she used to be.
My brother was cooking up lunch or something when I was sneaking in a few photos. This reminds me of Tori Amos’ “Caught a Light Sneeze”.
Apparently there is some bee song by the Black Eyed Peas (see how out of date I am?) that Zoe loves to hold up to her ear and she had to share with dad.
Looking for the balloon that was flying in the air.
Love the rugrat.
LOL! I did a double-take–I wore the same outfit yesterday (hot pink shirt/black racing stripe shorts). 🙂 What a cutie.
Imma Be
Wow! Those are really good pictures!! I sure would love to print some. priceless!