Contests,  Texas

*Contest Winner* Five Lined Skink

Our contest winner is Christine who I figured might be the first person to guess. Honestly, I thought this would be trickier than it ended up being! Next time I will crop it differently to make it more difficult!

five lined skink
The other morning I was doing some QC on some trash lines in the forest when I looked down over a smashed pine log and saw the skink just sitting there. It’d been a chilly morning but I wasn’t going to take my chances so I took my initial “I saw it” photo and then decided to try to get closer. It worked!

These little guys/gals are quick and are incredibly difficult to photograph so I was very glad it decided to try to warm up in the sun for the day!

Congratulations Christine and your speedy abilities to id reptiles! Prem, you were close behind in second! The website is going through a proofing stage this weekend and will debut officially on Monday—hopefully! We’ve got it up and going but we want to catch any errors and last minute tweaks before letting the masses loose. I am also going to make a banner you can put on your blog and we will be doing a Facebook page, too. If you for some reason figure out the link, please keep it quiet until Monday.

Thanks for participating!

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