
Happy October (Toadally!)


I risked getting peed on just to get a shot of this cute toad. It was hopping around as we planted azaleas this weekend. Finally, fall is here. Well, for now, it is Texas after all. We’ll have another bout of warmth before Halloween and then hit the first real cold weather after that. I’m just enjoying the crisp mornings and warm but not overly sweaty afternoons for now.

So, October is going to be about showing up.

I plan on showing up this month for:
+Daily sketches, no matter how awful and rushed they might be. Something on paper to practice, that’s the goal.
+Showing up to write 10,000 words in my Florida Trail book. It has been months and months since I’ve written anything; it is time to get back on the writing train.
+Running 1 mile a day the entire month. Forgetting expectations of running more, but just running a mile. I can run a mile. It isn’t hard and takes about 12-15 minutes for me. I can spare that. It is more about establishing a routine than anything.
+Twice a week yoga and weights. I wanted to do this one daily (not the weights, that’s not a good idea) but I think it really should be at least a twice a week option at this point, not more.

That’s what I want to do for October with a few other things in the background.

What about you?


  • chel

    – continue to devote time to creativity every single day.
    – once again, try to incorporate a regular meditation/mindful practice into my life. I’m realizing it probably can’t be every day, because that’s when the resistance pops up. But more often than NEVER.
    – dedicating time to read every day. And read more good books.
    – PAINT!
    – really get in touch with the season, find the great things about it, and be present for all of that.
    – get another nasturtium seed to sprout! (18 of 19 have now been washed out/turned into mush.)

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