
Plants I Wish I Still Had

Last week Chris and I were in his truck and I had the strange thought…I really wished I had a gac vine. I know, strange thought there, but the peachy/yellowed colored blooms just came into my head and I began reminiscing about all of our plants in Florida then and there. So, I thought I’d do a short post on some plants I wish I still had but sold over three years ago before we moved. Some I probably won’t get back due to our less tropical growing zone, others I could probably swing once again.

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Gac intermingled with passiflora and thumbergia there on the fence. A little wild I’d say. We were trying to smother the air potato vine that the neighbors didn’t know to kill (death to air potato!).

The Brassavola sp./cultivar orchid that did so well in its coconut shell. Right by our screen door on the back porch, it was lovely to stop and smell on the way in or out.



Variegated vanilla….and any of our vanilla orchids that had managed to climb up trellises and poles, trained up along the ceiling of the porch.


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Our chalice vines. Not really vining in the sense of the word, but more succulent like and massive once established. We had a variegated variety and a regular one as well. Easy to establish by stem cuttings.


Tillandsia streptophylla. I actually bought this off of Etsy. When Etsy was easy to search and manageable.


Of course now we work on having new favorites, but some of the old ones will have a place in my heart.

Do you have a list of plants you wish you could have again?


  • chel

    Oh, WOW. These are dreamy (and I mean that).

    I think since gardening is a “new” passion, I don’t have much that I miss. I do miss the big, leafy trees and bushes in New York that we had around our house. We also had tulips here and there and even though no one took care of them after my grandfather passed (he was a big gardener, I hear), they still popped up from time to time, like a totally random surprise.

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