Waiting for Fall
Just a few trees and plants are beginning to work themselves into fall foliage changes. Some are just calling summer ‘done’ and switching over to hibernation in favor of not putting up with the drought any longer. The ones that are truly beginning to turn colors are the mulberries like the one in our backyard.
I remarked on Sprout Dispatch that I’m really enjoying this change, this tip of the switch between seasons. I am ready for Autumn.
Puttering about the garden the other day I found the mimosa tree still putting out blooms. I’ve seen hummingbirds and swallowtail butterflies enjoying the nectar from the flowers.
Walking near the edge of the pond I scared up many grasshoppers, their wings moving them out of my vicinity.
I finally identified this dragonfly species that we have in our yard, the common whitetail, Plathemis lydia.
And Miss Ruby saying hello.
Here’s a short video of our windchimes we got for our our anniversary this year. I’m planning on getting a picnic table for under the tree too.
Love the wind chimes –dong…dong… glad you took a video and I could see and hear them. Love ya Gayle
Those chimes are amazing- do you know which brand/model they are? They sound SO beautiful.