Bumelia Borer, Plinthocoelium suaveolens | Wildlife Wednesday
Today’s Wednesday post is Wildlife Wednesday and a very gorgeous Bumelia Borer, Plinthocoelium suaveolens. Unfortunately our friend here was not alive, which made it a lot easier to photograph outside of our Dripping Springs AirBnB last summer.
As the common name suggests, the larvae feed on the trunks and roots of bumelia species, Sideroxylon sp., the most common species in Texas being Sideroxylon lanuginosum, gum bumelia. Gum bumelia always tricks me a bit and I will initially think it is an Ilex decidua until I look closer and note my location and realize it’s a bumelia. The larvae also utilize Nyssa and Morus species, too.
I’ll keep my commentary short this week and let y’all read the links I’ve provided which share more information about these colorful insects. I always love finding a longhorn beetle, even if they are sadly demised.
+Bumelia border via Austin Bug
+ERMAHGERD! BURRRRG! via Austin Chronicle
+Bumelia borer via Springfield Plateau
+Bumelia borer on white via Beetles in the Bush

Judy Bass
What a great color.
I love metallic beetles and bugs! I always imagine them as pieces of jewelry, like brooches. This one would be a knock-out!
I also love to see metallic insects, they’re so pretty! You caught this bug’s beauty well.