
The Great Houston Snow of 2014

Oh, our weather people down here. I really don’t know what they are thinking. Last Friday it was going to be Snow! Ice! Craziness!!! And then what did it do? Not a whole heck of a lot. It did rain and some bridges might have had some ice, but for the most part it was giant over reaction.

And then today? It was supposed to sleet over night and snow today. Snow! Ice! More Craziness! Schools and businesses were closed once again. Chris and I got up this morning to well, not much. It had rained, but there wasn’t even really any ice. The radar suggested ice in our location but there was nothing. Finally at around 9:30 this morning the sleet fell hard followed by snow flurries. I think the whole episode lasted 45 minutes or an hour. It was cool while it lasted, but now we’re already in the melting phase of Houston’s Giant Winter Freak Out.

While it has been a colder than average year for us, with longer periods of cold weather and deeper freezes, this snow and ice thing is new. All you northern folks can laugh at my videos, I give you permission. This stuff doesn’t happen often here, though.

By the way, it was in the 70s on Sunday and will return to the 70s by the weekend. No one knows what to do…wear flip flops and shorts or sand the roads.


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