
Random Garden Bits

The area where the brug’s are has turned into a complete jungle. The brug’s themselves were over 10′ tall at one point this summer, but the weight of the stems has caused them to lean over to the ground. I really need to clean up this area of the garden—and forget looking near the bees, it is absolutely overgrown with weeds. I avoided going over there while pregnant and Chris was too busy working on the guest room and Forest’s room this summer to get over there and weed. Perhaps it is time to dig out the bee suit and clean up over there!

The bottle gourd in the vegetable garden took too long to start thriving to last long enough before a freeze to finish fruiting, but just seeing the flowers makes me happy!

dividing onions
One good thing about Chris finishing up the perimeter herb/perennial beds in the veg garden is being able to move the dividing onions over to that bed so they can have a permanent home. I pulled a few over last weekend to use in some fajitas we had for dinner! These onions originally came from my mom who had been pining for this type of onions that my grandmother used to grow and found them online and ordered them. They will be nice to have year-round!

When Chris was cleaning up the veg garden he took down the okra stalk and left them in the walkway. There’s now a bunch of okra seedlings chilling in the walkway!

Hopefully this weekend I can spend a few more hours outside during Forest’s naptime—or maybe he can hang out in his stroller on the porch for a nap—while I do more weeding and yard beautification! Trying to balance that time outside right now is difficult.


  • chel

    I *just* finished repotting all the soggy summer survivors and have gotten a lot of the new seeds (trying begonia from seed this year…) and veggies from the nursery (tomato, pepper, eggplant) in and planting/researching some other veggies and herbs, as well. Last year I finally just made the move and decided the ENTIRE lanai was a garden area as opposed to just the back corner, so now I’ve got more room for more stuff. Just deciding what we will eat and what is doable! Can’t wait to see little Forest man in the garden 🙂

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