
39 Goals for 2019

As I mentioned a few posts back in my 2018 Year in Review, I thought I might try to write out 39 Goals or Wishes to Complete for 2019. I’ll be 39 in July and so I thought I might write up a list of things I’d like to do this year instead of a random word that I seem to continue to forget sometime mid-way through the year.

I may not hit all of these but I do find when I see what I have listed that I tend to try to make things happen. At least that’s what I did when I had the 28 list, or when I write out my weekly to-do lists.

Here goes!

  • Resubmit book proposals to publishers and find agents to submit to as well. Deadline: March/April 2019.
  • Camp at one of the East Texas National Forests
  • Three 1+ night backpacking trips
  • Complete 5 pieces of art
  • Paddle down Village Creek
  • Go back to Enchanted Rock to camp
  • ohmygah-this-is-so-hard…trying to come up with realistic but also challenging myself type goals…

  • Read 20 of the books on my bookshelf that I already have—that have been sitting there waiting for me to read them.
  • Complete two more sections of the Lone Star Hiking Trail
  • Master(-ish) the pistol squat
  • Plan at least one more girl’s weekend trip with my friends Michelle and Stephanie
  • Plan a second girl’s weekend with my mom and SIL
  • Weekend trip to the Big Thicket—it’s been too long!
  • Visit the Watson Rare Native Plant Preserve—same as above!
  • Backpack on the Turkey Creek Trail in BTNP
  • Host a plant/gardener swap for Houston gardeners
  • Take Forest to the Congress Avenue bat bridge in Austin.
  • See Attwater Prairie Chickens at the Attwater Prairie Chicken NWR
  • Find the Bartonia texana (Texas screwstem)
  • Take Forest to the San Bernard Oak
  • Find 7 historical trees in our Famous Trees of Texas book.
  • Hike at Lake Houston Wilderness Park
  • Hike on the new sections of the Spring Creek Greenway in Harris County.
  • See the whooping cranes at Aransas NWR
  • Go for a spring wildflower drive and photo excursion
  • Find a wild Southern Lady’s Slipper Orchid, Cypripedium kentuckiense
  • Meditate consistently for 5 min a day
  • Finally learn to use the SLR camera that was my grandfather’s and that I bought film for a few years ago
  • Finally make mead with the kit Chris got me for Christmas a few years ago
  • Learn to use my Instant Pot
  • Visit the Sam Houston Statue (instead of driving by it on I-45!)
  • Commit to morning pages 3xs a week
  • One 6-10 mile rollerblade once a month to go with regular rollerblading and cardio that I do.
  • Start a yard flora and fauna species list
  • Update and revise our photography website — maybe actually do something with this?
  • Brainstorm and outline a potential fiction book
  • Practice my piano once a week for 30 minutes (I got a new keyboard a year and a half ago and haven’t really played on it much!)
  • Make sourdough bread from scratch
  • Figure out something to do with all of my grandmother’s crocheted doilies—framing, blanket, some kind of art???
  • Write letters or cards regularly to my friends.

    Oh boy was the last 10-15 tough! I don’t know about doing this again next year—hah! I wanted to throw some easy stuff in there and then of course some cop out type items but I refrained and tried to do things I knew could be accomplished if I at least tried. We may not find a southern lady’s slipper or the Texas screwstem but it’s worth a try. Same as the other stuff. But, it’s a start!

    Alright, 2019—let’s do this!


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