Beech Creek Explorations in the Big Thicket
To continue a bit from last week’s post with the nodding nixies, today I’ll share a few items from the Beech Woods trail at the Beech Creek Unit of the Big Thicket. We’ll start with this Rosy Wolfsnail, Euglandina rosea, seen near the picnic area at the trail head.
Followed by an invasive Asian Tramp Snail, Bradybaena similaris.
And a self portrait with my best kiddo! That tooth is mostly grown in now.
This was a very interesting mushroom I found, turns out to be a Stalked Puffball-in-Aspic, Calostoma cinnabarinum.
Chris is admiring something about this tree but I have no idea what!
Patient poses for mom on a very slick boardwalk!
I have not identified these tiny mushrooms but I did narrow them to Family Marasmiaceae.
Stately Maiden Fern, Thelypteris kunthii, poking up between the boardwalk slats.
An a spooky season friend, Arrow-shaped Orbweaver, Micrathena sagittata. A very distinctive orb weaver!

Judy Bass
I was at Peach Creek earlier this spring. I have many Rosy Wolfsnails in my yard and a collection of shells I have found.
I’ve never seen that kind of orb weaver. The closest I’ve come is the spiny or weavers, which are pretty cool, themselves. I love the Rosy Wolfsnail, too. All of the snails I see are round, rather than that conical shape.