Sprout Dispatch
A Favorite Native
Gaillardia pulchella, aka: Indian Blanket or Firewheel, is one of my favorite natives. It blooms for much of the year in warmer parts of Texas and other areas of the south. They’ve been blooming very well for the last few weeks and another patch of them we put in our main garden is about to start blooming as well. We just bought a hybrid variety that is mostly yellow at a nursery. I could probably get into Indian Blanket hybrid varieties and become a collector of these flowers like we have with Salvia. I’m over at Sprout Dispatch today showing off what is growing in the vegetable garden. Come over…
Recently on Sprout Dispatch….
Have you been to Sprout Dispatch lately? If not or if you’ve never heard of it why don’t you hop on over today and take a peek at what Curt, Chel and I have been writing and talking about this summer in regards to our gardens. I think all three of us have had it with summer and are ready for the respite of Fall—you see, we all garden in the south and Chel gardens in the sub-tropics of SW Florida. We love questions and comments so if you see something that you would like more information about, please ask away! Here’s a sampling of what has been going on…
A New Writing Adventure | Sprout Dispatch
Sometime in early January I came up with the idea of Sprout Dispatch. Of course it wasn’t called that initially, it took the brainstorming of Chel, my brother Curtis and myself to get the name, but here we are, ready to start. What is this about? Well, it’s a collaboration between the three of us on our gardening adventures. I wrote more about it in the post that is up today. There will be thrice weekly posts, one from each of us, for awhile. We’re starting with themes and interpreting them our own way, but I’m sure the blog will evolve as time goes on. So, please, subscribe to the…