
  • Outdoors,  Wildflowers

    Texas Wildflowers | Rhynchospora latifolia, sandswamp whitetop

    This little plant is actually a sedge but the unique white top turns it into a beautiful and unique wetland plant. A similar but smaller species, Rhyncospora colorata might throw you off at first but the latifolia species is significantly larger. Sandswamp whitetop sedge grows in wet areas and would make a great pond plant in a garden. There really not a lot to write about this one, but it is a pretty little plant that most people would over look. More information: +USDA plant database +David’s Garden information +Floridagrasses.org +Wildflower.org

  • Outdoors,  Wildflowers

    Texas Wildflowers | Calopogon tuberosus, grass pink orchid

    This orchid is a familiar orchid as we saw it often in Florida. It’s always nice to see familiar plants back here in Texas. This beautiful orchid, according to Wildflower.org gets it’s genus name from a Greek word meaning beautiful beard. You can definitely see that beautiful beard in the photos above! Calopogon tuberosus is a widespread ground orchid occurring in many states of the U.S. and is typically found growing in wet pine ecosystems. Flowering time is late spring to early summer—these were blooming in late May/early June at the Watson Preserve. As always with orchids, you should never collect them from the wild and find a reputable source…

  • Outdoors,  Wildflowers

    Texas Wildflowers | Rosa bracteata, McCartney Rose

    We initially saw these roses growing along Texas Point NWR and later discovered they are an invasive rose. Originally from China they join a host of other roses that have naturalized across the south, including the Cherokee rose and prairie rose. While they are beautiful, they are like other invasives and smother out native vegetation. Definitely think twice before planting or starting these plants in your own yard and opt for a non-invasive rose! This guy in Tampa had a tree sized McCartney rose! Yikes! More information: +Texas invasives +Galveston Bay invasives +USDA plant database

  • Outdoors,  Wildflowers,  Wildscape Photo

    Texas Wildflowers: Saururus cernuus, Lizard’s tail

    This plant is one of my favorite wetland plants. They offer beautiful texture to the marsh and smell pretty good, too! A wetland plant, they are a perennial and range to approximately 2′ in height. Lizard’s tail is native to much of the U.S. and can be found in freshwater to brackish marshes. The plant mainly spreads by rhizomes so it would be easy to divide and spread in a garden. Apparently in Connecticut and Rhode Island the plant is considered endangered! More information: +Missouri Plants information +USDA page +Wildflower.org +Connecticut Botanical Society +Pond Megastore potential place to buy it for your garden. +Water Garden.org another potential place to buy…

  • Outdoors,  Wildflowers

    Texas Wildflowers: Heliotropium curassavicum

    Ah, yet another salt marsh plant! This dicot is a native to the majority of the US and several Canadian provinces. This heliotrope can handle saline and wet communities and is found around salt marshes and margins of wetlands within the interior. It flowers for quite awhile from spring to early fall, preferring mostly full sun. I can’t find a lot about the wildlife value of the plant but I imagine it attracts butterflies. It could be difficult to find in nurseries if you are trying to use it as a garden plant, so maybe starting from seed from a plant in a natural habitat might be the way to…

  • Outdoors,  Wildflowers

    Texas Wildflowers: Distichlis spicata, salt grass

    Ok, ok, this isn’t a wildflower, but a grass, however I really like this grass so I’m throwing it in for fun! Yes, we’re still on a run of salt marsh plants I learned in college and as for grasses, they are really difficult (in my opinion) to key out and since I actually know this one I’m going to share it. As its common name suggests, salt grass is tolerant of saline environments however it is known to grow in non-saline areas. It handles the wet soils well but can tolerate drier, sandier soils as well. In North America the habitat it can grow in is widespread, including the…

  • Outdoors,  Wildflowers

    Texas Wildflowers: Borrichia frutescens, sea ox-eye daisy

    This is another plant I learned in my Coastal Plant Ecology course in college, Borrichia frutescens. Found in dunes and salt marsh areas this is a colorful favorite for those areas. This salt tolerant coastal native is a perennial and has a slight succulent feel if you pierce the leaf. This large colony was found at Texas Point NWR, but anywhere along the Texas coast you can find sea ox-eye daisy. I imagine that the yellow flowers are great wildlife attractors, particularly butterflies and the brown seed heads would make interesting inclusions to cut flower arrangements. If you’ve got a bright sunny spot in your garden and are looking for…

  • Outdoors,  Wildflowers

    Texas Wildflowers: Sesuvium portulacastrum, shoreline purslane

    In my Coastal Plant Ecology course in college this was one of my first plants to learn, Sesuvium portulacastrum. This is a dune and edge of marsh type of plant but it is one of my favorites for its small pink flower and the ability to spread itself across the ground. A succulent, it is an excellent stabilizer of dirt, hence its being found on dunes. It seems to have a worldwide distribution, not limited to the United States, particularly in tropical climes. Native plant nurseries might have the plant for use in the garden, particularly those along coastal regions. Gardeners would find the succulents in the Portulaca genus to…

  • Outdoors,  Wildflowers

    Texas Wildflowers: Vicia villosa, vetch

    I feel fairly certain that this is Vicia villosa, though I am up for someone informing me otherwise. It was growing with the pinkroot and clematis near the Big Thicket. While there are native vetches, this one is a non-native introduced from Europe and has now naturalized across a lot of the U.S. One website states it was introduced as a forage crop for livestock while another states that the seedpods are poisonous to cattle, so your guess is as good as mine! A few butterflies enjoy using vetch (this one and others) as a host plant such as the silvery blue and the orange sulphur. If you are interested…

  • Outdoors,  Wildflowers

    Texas Wildflowers: Spigelia marilandica, pinkroot

    We’d just driven by some coral bean, Erythrina herbacea, when we spotted these flowers. Though we weren’t going terribly fast I initially thought they were the same until I realized they weren’t. Chris reversed the car and we stopped and looked at them for awhile before deciding we’d have to look them up later. This woodland plant likes loamy soils and occurs fairly widespread in the southeastern United States. There’s also another species with a white flower in Texas, Spigelia texana. It seems that it will grow in USDA zones 5 to at least 9 so there is wide variety for garden usage. The shape of this flower seems to…