
10 Years Ago

Rosemarie and me with our friends Robert and Eric. They didn’t go to TAMUG, but Eric sailed on the Texas Clipper II in 1998 with us.

Rosemarie and me.

Another Rose from TAMUG! Hi Rose!

One of my best friends, Erika, and my first college roomate Marsha.

When my 10 year high school reunion came up four years ago (!) it didn’t seem that strange, it did feel like I’d been out of high school that long. Well, it has now been 10 years since I’ve been out of college and that does seem strange. Ten years ago I walked across the stage with most of my friends at the The Grand 1984 Opera House in Galveston. I got married a month later and then moved to Florida where we stayed for 8 years.

I read a couple of blogs where the authors are just graduating college or recently out of college and they seem to be taking that next step, not sure where they are going. The only thing I can say is that, its ok. Your life in 10 years will more than likely be vastly different, as will be your goals and dreams. I am not a marine biologist but I am still vastly interested in biology, just in a different way.

Time changes, we change, but that doesn’t mean we don’t keep a little piece of the past along with it, some of the hopes and dreams of back then. Back then I was hoping for work with sea turtles, now, while that would be an awesome job, I’d rather have a giant garden, or be going somewhere with a backpack on my back instead.

Who knows what another 10 years from now will look like. Hopefully it involves being a successful author/artist/photographer (far cry from that marine biology degree, huh?). One thing I know is, to be what you want to be and make those ideas come to fruition, you have to do the work.

It’s time for me to start doing the work.


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