The View | Lost Maples State Natural Area
After leaving campsite A the East Trail climbs steadily for maybe a quarter to a half mile before plateauing on top of the ridge (which I wouldn’t really call it a ridge, definitely let’s go with plateau…hence plateauing). The climb itself isn’t difficult, just steady, and since I am a slow hill climber and because my nose loves to run when I’m climbing a hill, I take my time.
Up top we were rewarded with sweeping views in all directions. The trail itself stays level on top for maybe a mile, probably a smidge less, before descending down towards the West Trail and Can Creek.
There wasn’t a whole lot going on up top, the wind was blowing and the day started out overcast, and not a lot was blooming up there.
Missed the other Lost Maples posts? See Along the Sabinal River, Monkey Rock, Hale Hollow Creek.