
Leek Flowers




I think this weekend I need to find a use for the remaining leeks we have in our garden. Earlier this month I used them in a leek and potato soup, salsa, and just chopping a plant up and tossing it in some beans and rice. Their blooms are almost fading and the plants themselves really need to be eaten. Maybe I’ll toss some into a pasta sauce or have Chris grill some with fish. They really have some magnificent blooms, though! Bigger and bolder than the onions and garlic, for sure.

Also, I’m giving some seeds away over at Sprout Dispatch this week. Drop by and put your name down for the four remaining packets I have!

PS: I noticed A Way To Garden is talking about FALL planting! WHAT? Yes, unfortunately it really is time to start thinking about that, but it threw me for a loop. It’s almost like seeing Halloween and Christmas decorations in July—but at least a little more reasonable to begin planning a fall garden. Can’t I just enjoy my tomatoes for a few more weeks???

PPS: I didn’t realize that mobile and ‘pad’ devices might not show this blog in its actual format, with three columns. I noticed this issue when I was last on my parent’s iPad a week ago. I attempted to fix it at one point and tried to install a WordPress App to fix that, but I don’t think it’s worked. Please let me know if it is all jacked up on your mobile or ‘pad’ device. I format for computers and I’m not that skilled at getting it to work for everyone else but would like to work towards that. Bear with me!

One Comment

  • Stephanie

    It’s getting better. At least I can zoom in on the text now and I couldn’t before. The third column still goes to the bottom but that’s fine as long as I can zoom in and out of the text 🙂

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