Campsite Scenes | Martin Dies State Park
There’s one thing I find annoying about camping reservations with Texas Parks and Wildlife and that’s that you can’t reserve a specific campsite when you reserve your dates online. You are at the mercy of whatever is left when you arrive at that park. The Florida state park system was better in that regard. However, we did end up lucking out with our site a few weekends ago at Martin Dies State Park. We ended up at site 92 in the Gum Slough camping section. It was tucked off in a tiny loop off of the main camping area, next to Gum Slough. We were secluded a bit on one side from campsites 93 and 94, which luckily did not have anyone occupying them that weekend anyway. Across the little loop are sites 89 and 90 which would be perfect for another reservation in the future as it had fishing access and a good view.
The good thing about that little loop was that it had very little traffic coming down it so it would make a great area for Forest to ride a tricycle or bicycle one day in the future.
On the other side of the highway in the Walnut Ridge unit there is a row of shelter sites that would be great as well. We didn’t go in any as they were all full, but some appeared to be for sleeping and others appeared to be more for daytime use with a tenting area outside.
I really loved this park and I hope to make it a place to visit every year!
The Unseen Scenes—original post about the park.
Nice!! You guys rock for taking him outdoors so much!!
I have a new book suggestion for you … here’s a BP article excerpting it:
I thought the article was very well written and am intrigued by the book.