Soaking in the Summer in the Flower Garden
I kept thinking that at some point this summer I would be all “caught up” in the flower garden, enough to sit around for about three days to enjoy the look into a non-existent state of garden homeostasis and relish the garden for a few moments. But, I never got around to that for a variety of factors. The weeds stayed in the path–though the path got weeded in parts–but it never made it to fully being weeded; the deer continually barged through, digging around for roots or whatnot, ripping plants to pieces or pulling them out of the ground in the meantime; and while I managed to keep one or two beds maintained at a time, I never got around to having all of the beds maintained all together at one time.
With all of that said, there are plenty of glorious views in the garden and if I can get past looking at the weeds that need to be pulled, plants that need to be moved, or whatever else, I can find plenty to enjoy around here.
While there are many parts of the day that I enjoy being in the garden, evenings are by far my favorite. The light makes everything look more pleasant and wild, like the mess is supposed to be there.
The beautyberry on the side of the house spreads every year and I’ve never regretted keeping it and making it part of the flower bed, though it always gets a trim in late winter.
And despite a lot of time without rain through July, the sprinklers had no problems sending the rain lilies into bloom.
Our thicket of tropical milkweed has thrived this summer. It makes this particular bed look more finished than it has in a few years.
Ah, there would be one section of path that hasn’t been weeded yet. Sometime this winter when the weeds are gone it will be time to get more decomposed granite to put down so that maybe next year won’t be so bad weed-wise. The ‘Wendy’s Wish’ salvia has bounced back from the freeze quite well, though not as bushy as it was last year, and the bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds have been enjoying it immensely.
Some beds switched places in regards to lushness—others that were fuller in previous years were a little thinner this year than other beds.
I am sensing the slow change in seasons, too. The sun is shifting on the horizon and while we won’t have cool weather for awhile, I’m itching for a bit of crispness in the air, to garden without dripping in sweat.
Slowly. But first, we get through August.